Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Cannon Brothers Carwash

 Cannon Bros. Carwash located on 3320 South 5600 West is super FABULOUS.  I love their automatic wash.  You can buy 3 washes for $10 or 7 washes for $20.  I get the 7 for $20 cause it it more economical.  Plus, the sweet man who runs the place usually gives me an extra token to upgrade my wash to the super deluxe :)  The automatic car wash up the street is $7.00 a wash for Pete's sake, so I KNOW my dollar is going further  here.

I highly recommend supporting this business.  They are so friendly and economical.  I do suggest you bring an old towel or two to dry off with.  I like to do this anyway to buff the car to shine.  I believe it is important to support local businesses.  I am only happy to lend my support here.  Thank you Cannon Brothers.  You are absolutely lovely :)

Monday, August 16, 2010

More Walmart Fun

Need a place to keep the rest of your half finished cake and Dr. Pepper cold? Go ahead, throw it in the cooler right next to the Sunny D. Wait, did you leave the bowls there so I could have some cake too?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Shall I Submit this to People of Walmart?

Okay. We were shopping at the West Valley Walmart... I ask you one question...
WHERE are this lady's pants? Really? It was a little overwhelming!! Did I miss the memo? Was it No Pants Monday or something? Maybe her and the gal in the red should exchange shirts...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

What Not To Wear

I don't even think I have words for this one folks.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Sorry this is kinda crappy. I thought my camera was on picture mode, it wasn't. So, PUSH PLAY THEN PAUSE REAL QUICK and you'll get the picture. If you don't have a sunshade for your kid, just use a shirt. Reduce, reuse, recycle...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Gorilla Snot

Found this in Anaya's Market weekly circular. It's hair gel. But look at the picture. Really.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Got Garage?

Oh, how I have longed to snap a picture of the infamous party room. Usually I drive by one of these while it is in full swing, and therefore am too chicken to fish out my camera, and point and shoot (no pun intended) Here in West Valley it is considered de rigure to hold family and friend parties in the garage. I must confess, this one is pretty hoity toity. The walls are painted and there are not spare car parts lying around. I reckon they fit 30 people in there. Surprisingly, no port a potty was rented as well. I supposed they managed with 2 bathrooms in the house.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Green Garage

I took this picture while driving by late at night. This house was for sale, so the garage was empty. The walls are BRIGHT green. Day-glo green. Be glad I didn't snap this one in the day time ;)